Symbol lookup rules and imports

Meta via Digitalmars-d digitalmars-d at
Tue Dec 2 15:02:18 PST 2014

This whole thing is a huge hole in D that needs to be fixed (it 
may even be necessary to consider it higher priority than the 
current C++ and GC). As it works currently, I'd go as far as to 
say that almost every addition to Phobos must be considered a 
breaking change for these reasons. Given the recent discussion 
about trying as much as possible to not break code, fixing the 
issues with import is extremely important. When a library writer 
can break user code by introducing a *private* symbol (scoped or 
otherwise), something has gone wrong.


>	// mod.d
>	module mod;
>	struct S {
>		// Use a fully-qualified import.
>		// We place it in the body of S because S's methods
>		// repeatedly needs it -- after all, DRY is good, right?
>		import std.format : format;
>		void method1(string fmt) {
>			writeln(format(fmt, ... ));
>		}
>		void method2() {
>			auto s = format("abc %s def", ...);
>			...
>		}
>	}
>	// main.d
>	module main;
>	import mod; // we need the definition of S
>	void format(S s) {
>		... /* do something with s */
>	}
>	void main() {
>		S s;
>		s.format(); // UFCS -- should call main.format(s), right?
>	}

Am I correct that this bug is due to the fact that selective 
imports from a module implicitly imports all symbols in that 
module, rather than just the selected symbol? I don't know how 
anyone could think that D's module system is simple at this point 
when things behave so differently from how they intuitively 
should behave (for my own personal definition of intuitive).

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