Lost a new commercial user this week :(

Israel via Digitalmars-d digitalmars-d at puremagic.com
Sun Dec 14 11:17:43 PST 2014

Im sorry to hear that.

So many things went wrong here. This is the way i see it.

Basically what you did was introduce a friend of yours to your
colleagues with good impressions on just about everything. This
is like introducing a friend to me and telling me his a great
person even though you know deep down inside you know your friend
doesnt have the best personality in the world.

What you could have done was be sincere and told your colleagues
that D is a great person overall but he does have his drawbacks.
That way they know what to expect and are ready and prepared to
handle D.

Along with that you could have inspired them on a different point
of view. You guys are working with JavaScript :/. Doing something
with D would have been an extraordinary achievement. Thats like
accomplishing a task with a common method. But sometimes you have
to take a leap of faith and accomplish that task in a new way.
This would have given you and your team unique in a way and
probably have given you a good image.

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