Worst Phobos documentation evar!

Adam D. Ruppe via Digitalmars-d digitalmars-d at puremagic.com
Mon Dec 29 14:40:02 PST 2014

On Monday, 29 December 2014 at 22:35:50 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:
> "For any markup that is not covered by Markdown’s syntax, you 
> simply use HTML itself."

That's why I don't like DDoc. It has the "feature" if passing 
characters through it unencoded for embedding HTML, but that 
makes the output impossible to make correct and extremely tedious 
to approximate correctness when documenting something like xml.

Ddoc isn't too bad, but trying to document examples in dom.d 
turned into a mess of /// finds $(LT)foo/$(GT) quickly and I 
couldn't stand it.

Since then, I just type plain text commands and don't use the 
macro processor in dmd. It is nice code, but just a flawed design 
for this use :(

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