Smart pointers instead of GC?

Ola Fosheim Grøstad" <ola.fosheim.grostad+dlang at> Ola Fosheim Grøstad" <ola.fosheim.grostad+dlang at>
Mon Feb 3 12:43:15 PST 2014

On Monday, 3 February 2014 at 20:02:30 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu 
> I thought I made it clear that GC avoidance (which includes 
> considering built-in reference counting) is a major focus of 
> 2014.

Please make it so that you can easily write thread-level 
allocator agnostic code without passing the allocator around. 
E.g. so that you can start writing code with GC, but properly 
release memory, then when you are certain that your model does 
not introduce cycles replace it with a cheaper allocation model 
with no additional code changes.

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