Processes and Channels, cf. goroutines.

Sean Kelly sean at
Tue Feb 4 17:02:36 PST 2014

Okay, just for fun, here are some results with the new scheduler.
   I injected periodic yields into the code to simulate the
yielding that would happen automatically if the code was using
send and receive.  First the code:

shared long count = 0;

shared static ~this() {
	writefln("count = %s", count);

void childThread() {
	foreach(i; 0 .. 1_000) {
		atomicOp!"+="(count, 1);
		if (scheduler && 0 == i % 100)

void mainThread() {
	foreach(i; 0 .. 100_000) {
		auto tid = spawn(&childThread);

void runFibers() {
	scheduler = new FiberScheduler;

	scheduler.start(() {

void main(string[] args) {
	if (args.length > 1 && args[1] == "threads")
	else if (args.length > 1 && args[1] == "fibers")
	else writeln("specify threads or fibers");

And the results:

$ time concurrency threads
count = 100000000

real	1m11.033s
user	1m23.944s
sys	0m29.272s

$ time concurrency fibers
count = 100000000

real	0m5.998s
user	0m3.536s
sys	0m2.455s

I've got to say that I was surprised how fast 1 million kernel
threads were for this task.  That's orders of magnitude beyond
what I'd consider a sane number.

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