Shared method problem

tcak tcak at
Wed Feb 12 01:30:23 PST 2014

Whenever I start writing a class which would support "shared" 
methods, either there are lots of duplicate methods come into 
class, synchronisation code required.

PROBLEM 1: Duplication

Look at the code below:

class NamedPipe{
	private string filename;
	private int mode;

	public this(string filename, int mode){
		// cast is used to fix `shared` problem
		this.filename = cast( typeof(this.filename) )filename;
		this.mode = cast( typeof(this.mode) )mode;

If I define the constructor WITHOUT "shared" keyword, and try to 
create a shared object as `auto pipe = new shared 
NamedPipe("/tmp/pipe", 432);`, compiler tells me, I can't do this 
with shared keyword. If I define the constructor WITH "shared" 
keyword, and try to create a non-shared object, again compiler 
gives error. So, it is pushing me to either duplicate constructor 
or do casting. Some of you may say `pure` function etc., though 
if you are writing a complex class, that may not be possible. So, 
duplication is inevitable.

PROBLEM 2: Synchronisation

Let's say I want to write a method that will do synchronisation 
ONLY IF the method is called from a shared object.

public void updateMode( int newMode ){
	mode = newMode;

public void updateMode( int newMode ) shared{
	synchronized( this ){
		mode = newMode;

The above code is good, but same method is duplicated again just 
to be able to enable synchronisation on shared method. So, 
non-shared method can run at much higher speed if it is to be 
called so many times.


In the current implementation, duplication is almost inevitable, 
and if codes are long, then God help us. Long maintenance and 
error prone coding.

To be able to solve this, I thought a coding style as below:

public void foo(){
	static if( is(this: shared) ){
		// some of codes come here if the object is shared
		// some of codes come here if the object is not shared

But unfortunately it doesn't work in this way.

Is there really need to allow shared objects different methods, 
and non-shared objects different methods? Why don't we separate 
implementation instead of methods according to being shared?

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