OK to change anchor names in the language specification?

Jakob Ovrum jakobovrum at gmail.com
Sat Feb 15 02:47:12 PST 2014

Many sections on dlang.org have anchor names, allowing for direct 
linking to a particular section. Some examples include:


As pointed out by Kenji in this pull request[1], this is a mess 
of hyphen vs underscore, singular vs plural and lowercase vs 
PascalCase. These names are manually specified in the DDoc 
document, not automatically generated.

The aforementioned pull request[1] would make these anchors 
public, by making the section headers links to themselves.

The question is - do we unify their formatting before making them 
public? This would break existing links, but these links were 
nigh unobtainable in the first place.

If we do change the format, which style do we use? Do we use 
different styles for different kinds of sections, or just one 
throughout? Here is some data to help make a decision[2]. Sorry 
if the quality of the data is poor.

[1] https://github.com/D-Programming-Language/dlang.org/pull/497
[2] http://pastebin.com/Z6S3z6cC

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