Read and write gzip files easily.

Adam D. Ruppe destructionator at
Wed Feb 19 08:36:28 PST 2014

On Wednesday, 19 February 2014 at 16:27:32 UTC, Artem Tarasov 
> Unfortunately, there's no standard module for processing 
> gzip/bz2.

std.zlib handles gzip but it doesn't present a file nor range 
interface over it.

This will work though:

void main() {
         import std.zlib;
         import std.stdio;
         auto uc = new UnCompress();

         foreach(chunk; File("testd.gz").byChunk(1024)) {
                 auto uncompressed = uc.uncompress(chunk);
                 writeln(cast(string) uncompressed);

         // also look at anything left in the buffer
         writeln(cast(string) uc.flush());

And if you are writing, use new Compress(HeaderFormat.gzip) then 
call the compress method and write what it returns to teh file.

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