Ada conference, Ada and Spark

bearophile bearophileHUGS at
Wed Feb 19 15:55:14 PST 2014

Related to the Mars lander software thread.

They have released the slides for the FOSDEM 2014 (1 February 
2014) conference about Ada and related things 

Two interesting slide packs, one introduction about modern Ada 
2012, and the other about SPARK 2014, the latest version of a 
more formal language based on Ada:

The slides contain many interesting examples, the first ones are 
Ada, the last two about Spark.

The "safety and correctness" given by Ada/Spark type systems, 
semantics and syntax are quite different from the "safety" given 
by Haskell. They share some qualities, but they are also based on 
quite different principles, and they have quite different 
purposes. I have seen lot of people write about the correctness 
and safety of Haskell programs, but they usually don't even keep 
in mind the existence of Ada/Spark. I don't fully understand this 

I think regarding "safety and correctness" D is midway between 
C++ and Ada.

One important thing that should be kept in mind when you think 
about the "success" of D contract programming (beside the current 
lack of old/pre-state in D) is that there are many kinds of D 
code: small script-like programs, GUIs, video games, heavy 
numeric software, large applications, and so on. Some of those 
kinds of code don't need much contracts. But in larger programs 
or in programs where you need a partial integrity (where you can 
also use Ada), it's useful.


Integral ranges and strong types:

type Age   is range 0..125;
type Floor is range -5 .. 15;
My_Age  : Age;
My_Floor : Floor;
My_Age   := 10;       -- OK
My_Floor := 10;       -- OK
My_Age   := My_Floor; -- FORBIDDEN !


Ranged not-integral value with optional delta:

type Density is delta 1.0/256.0 range 0.0 .. 1.0;

(So Density is represented with a single byte, despite it looks 
like a not integer number.)


Discriminated types:

ype Major  is (Letters, Sciences, Technology);
type Grade is delta 0.1 range 0.0 .. 20.0;
type Student_Record (Name_Length : Positive;
                      With_Major  : Major)
is record
    Name    : String(1 .. Name_Length); --Size depends on 
    English : Grade;
    Maths   : Grade;
    case With_Major is     -- Variant part, according to 
       when Letters =>
          Latin : Grade;
       when Sciences =>
          Physics   : Grade;
          Chemistry : Grade;
       when Technology =>
          Drawing : Grade;
    end case;
end record;


Low level description of a record:

type BitArray is array (Natural range <>) of Boolean;
type Monitor_Info is
         On     : Boolean;
         Count  : Natural range 0..127;
         Status : BitArray (0..7);
     end record;
for Monitor_Info use
         On     at 0 range 0 .. 0;
         Count  at 0 range 1 .. 7;
         Status at 0 range 8 .. 15;
     end record;


Example usage of both floating point ranges and invariants:

package Places is
     type Disc_Point is private;
     -- various operations on disc points
     type Disc_Point is
             X, Y : Float range -1.0 .. +1.0;
         end record
         with Invariant => Disc_Point.X ** 2 +
                           Disc_Point.Y ** 2 <= 1.0;
end Places;


Static predicates (related to the "enum preconditions" I 
suggested for D):

procedure Seasons is
     type Months is (Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun,
                     Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec);
     subtype Summer is Months
         with Static_Predicate => Summer in Nov .. Dec |
                                            Jan .. Apr;
     A_Summer_Month : Summer;
     A_Summer_Month := Jul;
end Seasons;

The code gives:

warning: static expression fails static predicate check on 


A kind of set syntax:

elsif First and then C in '+' | '0' .. ’9’ then


Loop variants and invariants:

procedure Loop_Var_Loop_Invar is
    type Total is range 1 .. 100;
    subtype T is Total range 1 .. 10;
    I : T := 1;
    R : Total := 100;
    while I < 10 loop
       pragma Loop_Invariant (R >= 100 - 10 * I);
       pragma Loop_Variant (Increases => I,
                            Decreases => R);
       R := R - I;
       I := I + 1;
    end loop;
end Loop_Var_Loop_Invar;


An example in Spark, to clarify access to global variables (for D 
I suggested a simpler optional @outer() attribute: ):

with Global => null;       -- Not reference to global items
with Global => V;          -- V is an input of the subprogram
with Global => (X, Y, Z);  -- X, Y and Z are inputs of the 

with Global => (Input  => V); -- V is an input of the subprogram.
with Global => (Input  => (X, Y, Z)); -- X, Y and Z are inputs of 
                                       -- subprogram
with Global => (Output => (A, B, C)); -- A, B and C are outputs 
of the
                                       -- subprogram
with Global => (In_Out => (D, E, F)); -- D, E and F are both 
inputs and
                                       -- outputs of the subprogram

with Global => (Proof_In => (G, H)); -- G and H are only used in 
                                      -- expressions within the 

with Global => (Input    => (X, Y, Z),
                 Output   => (A, B, C),
                 In_Out   => (P, Q, R),
                 Proof_In => (T, U));
                 -- A global aspect with all types of global
                 -- specification


To clarify information flow:

procedure P (X, Y, Z : in Integer; A, B, C : in out Integer; D, E 
out Integer)
   with Depends => ((A, B) =>+ (A, X, Y),
                    C      =>+ null,
                    D      =>  Z,
                    E      =>  null);
-- The "+" sign attached to the arrow indicates self-dependency
-- The exit value of A depends on the entry value of A as well as 
the entry
-- values of X and Y.
-- Similarly, the exit value of B depends on the entry value of B 
as well as
--  the entry values of A, X and Y.
-- The exit value of C depends only on the entry value of C.
-- The exit value of D depends on the entry value of Z.
-- The exit value of E does not depend on any input value.



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