sc.ini and delegates

Eugene Yang yes9111 at
Mon Feb 24 12:54:53 PST 2014

Hello all,

If I want to set custom imports and library search paths for a 
specific project, how do I specify those paths in the sc.ini 
file?  Setting the DFLAGS environment variable seems to override 
the default settings; is there a way I can append to the default 
DFLAGS variable?

Also, if I try to compile this code

import std.stdio, std.algorithm;

char toInverse(in char input)
	if(input == 'a')
		return 'b';
	return 'c';

void main(string[] args)
	string line = readln();
	auto result =!(toInverse);

I get an error saying that toInverse is not callable with the 
argument type dchar.  Why is line, which should be 
immutable(char)[] being casted as a dchar array?

Thanks in advance,
Eugene Yang

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