Dynamic Library Support for D

Jeroen Bollen jbinero at gmail.com
Thu Jan 2 10:22:44 PST 2014

Currently D has a very poor support for creating and loading 
dynamic libraries. It requires a bunch of code while other 
languages like C just allow you to create it as you would create 
a static library.

A problem here seems to be that D wants to integrate as much as 
possible with other languages, resulting in very poor support for 
integrating with it's own language.

I understand that the problem here is that the libraries get 
saved as .so or .dll, which should also linkable with other, 
non-D, applications, meaning the runtime cannot initialize on 
it's own.

Why isn't there a D-specific format for dynamic libraries, that 
just shares the garbage collector with the main application, and 
thus only allow you to link it with D programs, and that way make 
it way easier to write a dynamic library in D.

I guess the only reason this doesn't exist is because it'll take 
a lot of work?

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