D - Unsafe and doomed

David Nadlinger code at klickverbot.at
Fri Jan 3 20:20:28 PST 2014

On Saturday, 4 January 2014 at 02:27:24 UTC, Kelet wrote:
> While `@safe` helps reduce this class of logic errors […]
> you can still have […] dangling pointers, hence it is
> usually considered inferior with regards to safety.

This is not true. While it _is_ possible to get null pointers in 
@safe code, they are not a safety problem, as the first page is 
never mapped in any D processes (yes, I'm aware of the subtle 
issues w.r.t. object size here, c.f. Bugzilla). And if you find a 
way to obtain a dangling pointer in @safe code, please report it 
to the bug tracker, this is not supposed to happen.

> There was a SafeD[1] subset of D being worked on, but I'm not 
> sure if it is active anymore.

SafeD is D in @safe mode.


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