Delegate context pointers

Etienne Cimon etcimon at
Sun Jan 26 20:34:30 PST 2014

On 2014-01-26 22:20, Jakob Ovrum wrote:
> C++ closures work similarly to D non-static nested structs: they carry
> copies or references to upvalues as hidden members of their type. In
> C++, this type is unnamed - there is no syntax for it, it can only be
> referred to with type inference (such as by wrapping it with
> std::function). In D, nested structs are named but the scope of the name
> is limited - once the struct instance leaves the function, it is no
> longer identifiable by name, which is the reason for their moniker
> "voldemort type".

That must be why the only way to refer to those nested struct types is 
by returning auto and using typeof on the variable that absorbs the value.

I was mostly wondering if the return values of static structs used 
inside the closure would be captured within that closure. I see it's 
only about local variables or other outer instances, so if I add a 
closure to a dynamic delegate array it should allow me to pick up a new 
pointer returned by the static struct.

I love your work on LuaD btw, I'm using it as the first step of runtime 
as a configuration file in a vibe.d cms/framework, and also as a vibe.d 
runtime page (I intend to pass over most of my convenience functions to 
luastate). It allows me to have configuration namespaces with comments, 
which is the most precious dependency of a library-based CMS. You can 
see an example of how I'm using it here:


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