Testing some singleton implementations

Dejan Lekic dejan.lekic at gmail.com
Fri Jan 31 02:20:43 PST 2014

I was thinking about implementing a typical Java singleton in D, 
and then decided to first check whether someone already did that, 
and guess what - yes, someone did. Chech this URL: 

Something like this (taken from the article above) in the case 
you do not want lazy initialisation:

     class Singleton2(T)
         static const T instance;

         this() {}

         static this() { instance = new T; }

     class TMySingleton2 : Singleton!(TMySingleton2)

Something like this (taken from the article above) in the case 
you want lazy initialisation:

     class Singleton(T)
         static T instance()
             if(_instance is null) _instance = new T;
             return _instance;

         this() {}

         static T _instance;

     class TMySingleton : Singleton!(TMySingleton)

If there are some Java programmers around who are curious how is 
Java version done: 

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