Setting array length to 0 discards reserved allocation?

via Digitalmars-d digitalmars-d at
Sun Jul 27 08:16:24 PDT 2014

On Sunday, 27 July 2014 at 08:23:05 UTC, Marc Schütz wrote:
> Sure, it could be used as a lightweight bugtracker. But them, 
> someone would have to watch the comments, and actually turn 
> them into PRs, and remove the comments when the PRs are merged.

I also find example code useful sometimes when a function/feature 
is under-documented or just plain buggy.

If people added the examples they provide in the forums to the 
doc pages then it would be easier to learn the language?

If people added links to stackoverflow/articles when they find 
them, and put it in the correct section, then it would be easier 
to dig deeper into the knowledge base?

You could have a "sign of authority" on usernames that are 
official "D experts" and let them "approve" correct comments. 
When you have received N approvals you can win a D T-shirt? :)

A lot of noise is a sign of a documentation page that needs work 
or that the page need to be broken up into several pages.

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