A Perspective on D from game industry

H. S. Teoh via Digitalmars-d digitalmars-d at puremagic.com
Sun Jun 15 18:12:37 PDT 2014

On Sun, Jun 15, 2014 at 12:51:12PM -0700, Walter Bright via Digitalmars-d wrote:
> On 6/15/2014 6:50 AM, Peter Alexander wrote:
> >The fear of meta programming comes from Boost, and rightly so in
> >my opinion. Boost is written with the assumption that users will
> >never have to read its source code. When it comes to debugging
> >and performance tuning however, that assumption is shattered.
> For years I avoided C++ templates (even though I implemented them in
> DMC++) because they were just so dang hard to read. D originally was
> not going to have templates for that reason.
> But I eventually discovered that hiding behind the complexity of C++
> templates was a very simple idea - templates are just functions with
> compile time rather than run time arguments. (Isn't it amazing that I
> could implement C++ without figuring this out? I still don't
> understand that.) That was the enabling breakthrough for D templates.

I think you may have missed the fact that your very realization was a
further development in itself. The term "template" comes from the C++
idea of having a pre-written piece of code with some blanks in a few
places, that will be filled in to make the actual code. But the concept
of "compile-time parameter" is something conceptually different, and
more powerfully unifying IMO. It digs at the root of C++'s template
nastiness, which ultimately comes from treating template parameters as
something fundamentally distinct from function parameters. The ugly
syntax is but the superficial expression of this underlying difference
in conception. D's superior template syntax is not merely a better
dressed syntax; it ultimately stems from treating template parameters as
being the *same* thing as function parameters -- except they are
evaluated at compile-time rather than runtime.

This insight therefore causes D's templates to mesh very nicely with
CTFE to form a beautifully-integrated whole.

> In fact, templates engender such an "OMG! Templates! I don't get
> Templates!" aura about them that I convinced Andrei to not even use
> the word "template" in his book about D!

I like how TDPL introduces templates by not introducing them at all, but
just talks about compile-time arguments. By the time the reader gets to
the chapter on templates, he's already been using them comfortably.

But on that note, perhaps it's not altogether a bad thing for the word
"template" to have a negative connotation; perhaps we should be pushing
the term "compile-time parameter" instead. It engenders an IMO superior
way of thinking about these things that may help newcomers overcome the
fear of metaprogramming.


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