export keyword

seany via Digitalmars-d digitalmars-d at puremagic.com
Tue Jun 24 02:31:06 PDT 2014


I am considering the follwoing:

I have a wide range of input filess formatted in various ways 
(meteorological data, bathymetry data, geojson, rss warning about 
meteorological events and so on). While I understand that perl is 
the preffered language for processing formatted documents, I 
wrote a D program, which can, up to the completeness of my 
knowledge of formatting schemes, dig through the input files.

Now, the D program digs through all these raw input files, 
converts them to a standard format (similar to JSON, i tailored 
it for my own needs a bit), and then writes them to files, that I 
access with openFoam.

I recon, that D has the keyword "export", with which symbols can 
be accessed accross different applications. But, I dont get much 
info on it.

I could, for example write a D gateway to openFoam - and channel 
the output of the first D program to the later via export.

could anyone give me more information on this?

Thank you

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