Auto and empty array

Daniel Kozak via Digitalmars-d digitalmars-d at
Mon Jun 30 01:37:30 PDT 2014

V Mon, 30 Jun 2014 05:39:36 +0000
Igor via Digitalmars-d <digitalmars-d at> napsáno:

> In case I want to create a new array with size I know, it's very 
> convenient to use auto:
> auto a = new int[](13);
> But if I want to create a new, empty array? Then using auto is 
> not convenient and I have:
> auto a = new int[](0);
> It seems a bit bloated, compared to int[] a = []. I like using 
> auto because of uniform syntax and other reasons. Is there any 
> concise way to create a new empty array with auto?

You can write some helper function:

import std.stdio;

auto newa(T)(size_t length = 0)
    return new T[length];

void main(string[] args)
    auto a = newa!(int)(13);
    auto b = newa!(int);
    writeln(typeid(a),":", a.length);
    writeln(typeid(b),":", b.length);

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