Lots of low hanging fruit in Phobos

bearophile bearophileHUGS at lycos.com
Fri Mar 7 18:39:01 PST 2014

Adam D. Ruppe:

> struct query {
>     private Result result;
>     this(string q) {
>          result = c_query(toStringz(q));
>          if(!empty) popFront();
>     }
>     Row front;
>     @property bool empty() { return HasRow(result); }
>     void popFront() in { assert(!empty); } body {
>          front = GetNextRow(result);
>     }
> }
> It is certainly a bit longer, but it isn't that bad, and is 
> easily extended to other range capabilities.

Your code is badly formatted.

> Translating recursive iteration to a range does take a bit 
> more, you need to track your local variables and put them in a 
> stack of your own, but even that isn't too hard (though a bit 
> wordier).

In generally this is rather bad, unless you are a C programmer 
used to use tweezers and needles to implement your own hash set 
every other day :-(

> I guess the whole yield thing can be kinda nice, I'm just not 
> sure it is that big of a win given its other limitations 
> compared to full ranges.

yield is limited, but in a large amount of cases it's enough, 
especially if it's well implemented (now Python 3 has yield that 
is usable for coroutines too, and it has recently added another 
optimization). For the other cases you can use normal range 
protocols as you have done.


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