Major performance problem with std.array.front()

Sean Kelly sean at
Sat Mar 8 14:07:09 PST 2014

On Saturday, 8 March 2014 at 20:50:49 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu 
> Pretty much everyone using ICU hates it.

I think the biggest problem with ICU is documentation.  It can 
take a long time to figure out how to do something if you've 
never done it before.  Also, the C interface in ICU seems better 
than the C++ interface.  And I'll grant that a few things are 
just far harder than they need to be.  I wanted a transcoding 
iterator and ICU almost has this but not quite, so I've got to 
write my own.  In fact, iterating across an arbitrary encoding in 
general is at least not intuitive and perhaps not possible.  I 
kinda gave up on that.  Um, and using UTF-16 as the standard 
encoding, requiring many transcoding operations to require two 
conversions.  Okay, I guess there are a lot of problems with ICU, 
but it handles nearly every requirement I have, which is in 
itself quite a lot.

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