Major performance problem with std.array.front()

Marc Schütz" <schuetzm at> Marc Schütz" <schuetzm at>
Mon Mar 10 11:54:25 PDT 2014

On Monday, 10 March 2014 at 13:48:44 UTC, Abdulhaq wrote:
> My app deals with unicode arabic text that is 'out there', and 
> the UnicodeTM support for Arabic is not that well thought out, 
> so the data is often (always) inconsistent in terms of 
> sequencing diacritics etc. Even the code page can vary. 
> Therefore my code has to cater to various ways that other 
> developers have sequenced the code points.
> So, my needs as a 'user' are:
> * I want to encode all incoming data immediately into unicode, 
> usually UTF8, if isn't already.
> * I want to iterate over code points. I don't care about the 
> raw data.
> * When I get the length of my string it should be the number of 
> code points.
> * When I index my string it should return the nth code point.
> * When I manipulate my strings I want to work with code points
> ... you get the drift.

Are you sure that code points is what you want? AFAIK there are 
lots of diacritics in Arabic, and I believe they are not 
precomposed with their carrying letters...

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