Improve D's syntax to make it more python like

Andrei Alexandrescu SeeWebsiteForEmail at
Fri Mar 21 18:21:56 PDT 2014

On 3/21/14, 11:47 AM, Pedro Larroy wrote:
> Hi
> As a newcomer to D, I wonder, how difficult would be and would it be
> welcome by the D community to have D's syntax with significant
> whitespace and without brackets more like python?

Hey Pedro,

I think some (including possibly myself) could enjoy a D dialect with 
Python indentation quite a bit. Given D's compilation speed, that can be 
achieved as a dialect without much aggravation by using a preprocessor.

In fact I considered writing such a preprocessor as a running example 
through the chapters of TDPL, but didn't get around to it.


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