Should we deprecate comma?

Adam D. Ruppe destructionator at
Sun Mar 23 18:42:07 PDT 2014

My vote is no, though I don't feel strongly about it since I can 
still get work done either way; there's alternatives to the comma 
operator in every case I can think of in D. But I just don't see 
any compelling reason to make the change.

I don't find the tuple arguments convincing and the comma 
operator has not been a noteworthy source of bugs in my 
experience. The new tuple syntax need to outcompete the simple 
tuple() or TypeTuple!() possibilities we have today, and 
personally, I don't think they tuple proposals even stand on 
their own, much less outcompete the status quo.

So again, my position is no, leaning toward meh whatever.

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