Unbuffered range interface

Marco Leise Marco.Leise at gmx.de
Sat Mar 29 19:06:31 PDT 2014

I see it like Dimitry and have actually implemented what he
describes a while ago. It is a one consumer, one producer
circular buffer which offers a sliding window into the
As typical for a stream(!) it operates on variable blocks of
bytes and producer and consumer never actually negotiate a
fixed block size. Instead the producer puts as many bytes into
the buffer as it thinks is a good trade-off between the count
of system calls and the delay before the consumer can start
reading. The consumer on the other hand asks for as many bytes
as it needs at minimum and gets blocked if this requirement
is yet unmet.
When there are enough bytes available for consumption the
consumer may also decide to map *all* of the currently
available data if that further improves processing performance.


The public primitives (to come back to the topic) are the
following as exposed by a "get" and a "put" pointer into the

commit(<byte count or data type>)
  Tells the buffer that the sliding window can be moved by X
  bytes, after they have been processed (read from or written
  For the consumer: Returns a window spanning all of the
  buffer that the producer has committed already.
  For the producer: Returns all of the free memory in the
  buffer that can be written to.
mapAtLeast(<byte count>)
  Same as mapAvailable() but blocks until a certain amount of
  bytes are ready.
map(<byte count>)
  Same as mapAtLeast, but shortens the resulting slice to
  match the byte count it has actually been asked for:
  mapAtLeast(count)[0 .. count];
  Treats the start of the sliding window as data of type T and
  returns a pointer to it. (When enough bytes are available.)
  This basically tells the counterpart that we are done with
  the stream. For the producer this is like setting an EOF
  flag. No more data will be written. All queries for more
  will result in an exception.

In this buffer I replaced EOF checks with throwing exceptions
on attempts to read past the end of the stream. In my limited
use cases the expected length of the stream could always be
established on the fly, for example by reading file header
There are also primitives for reading and writing bit runs
mostly to accommodate compressed streams:

peekBits(<bit count>)
  Return ubyte, uint, ulong, ... of the next bits at the start
  of the sliding window, but don't remove them yet.
  This is required for some compression algorithms to decide on
  the next steps to take.
skipBits(<bit count>)
  For performance reasons, if you just peeked the bits and
  cached the result you can just skip them. It can also be
  useful for other cases where you have no use for some bits
  in the stream.
commitBits(<bit count>)
  As above for integral bytes. The committed buffer bits
  become available to the counterpart.
  Read a single bit. Optimized.
readBits(<bit count>)
  Works like peekBits() followed by skipBits().
  Very typical in compression. Skips the remainder of a byte
  until we are at an integral position again.


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