Ranges of char and wchar

Walter Bright via Digitalmars-d digitalmars-d at puremagic.com
Thu May 8 16:56:37 PDT 2014

Classification of functions in http://dlang.org/phobos/std_path.html:

1. Functions that allocate GC memory and return an array:

   dirName, setExtension, defaultExtension, buildPath, buildNormalizedPath, 
absolutePath, relativePath, expandTilde

These are prime candidates to be converted into algorithms.

2. Functions that return a slice of their input arrays:

   baseName, rootName, driveName, stripDrive, extension,

Should be enhanced to accept RandomAccessRange and produce RandomAccessRange

3. Functions that return a range:


Enhance to accept RandomAccessRange

4. Functions that take an array and compute a value:

   isRooted, isAbsolute, filenameCmp, globMatch, isValidPath

These are reducers, and should be enhanced to accept input ranges.

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