More on Rust language

Paulo Pinto via Digitalmars-d digitalmars-d at
Fri May 9 13:54:17 PDT 2014

Am 09.05.2014 21:53, schrieb Araq:
>> It increases the complexity to reason about code.
> No, that's wrong.

Why it is wrong?

Even you ever seen a programmer reason about unique pointers, shared 
pointers, weak pointers, naked pointers, references and cyclic data 
structures without mistakes?

In any language that provide them?

>> If the compiler does not give an helping hand, bugs are too easy to
>> create.
> Usually a type system is used to increase safety...

That is why Rust provides a type system that knows about pointer types, 
lifetimes and usage dataflow.

Because in languages that don't go that far, the desired outcome is not 
always the best.


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