[OT] Extra time spent

Adam D. Ruppe via Digitalmars-d digitalmars-d at puremagic.com
Fri May 30 07:56:48 PDT 2014

I've actually been doing a lot less programming lately than I 
used to. Even though programming is my day job, I actually write 
pretty little code; I think I spend more time in meetings talking 
about direction (or worse yet, reading third party docs, ugh*) 
than I do actually coding.

* Seriously, in the time it takes me to do anything with a third 
party library I could have written my own twice over. It is so 
tiring to use other people's code.

But I rarely read programming blogs and books and so on anymore, 
unless something interesting comes across the D group (and even 
then I don't read every post anymore like i used to).

I kinda want to get back into writing stuff on my spare time, 
especially now that the book is done, but eh, I'm just so lazy 
and if given the choice to, for example, go clean up the side of 
the road with the missionaries or sitting here reading more 
reddit, I'll grab the trash bag and hit the street.

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