Worse is better?

Joakim via Digitalmars-d digitalmars-d at puremagic.com
Wed Oct 8 12:44:03 PDT 2014

This is a somewhat famous phrase from a late '80s essay that's 
mentioned sometimes, but I hadn't read it till this week.  It's a 
fascinating one-page read, he predicted that lisp would lose out 
to C++ when he delivered this speech in 1990, well worth reading:


Since "worse" and "better" are subjective terms, I interpret it 
as "simpler spreads faster and wider than complex."  He thinks 
simpler is worse and complex is often better, hence the title.  
Perhaps it's not as true anymore because that was the wild west 
of computing back then, whereas billions of people use the 
software built using these languages these days, so maybe we 
cannot afford to be so fast and loose.

What does this have to D?  Well, the phenomenon he describes 
probably has a big effect on D's adoption even today, as he was 
talking about the spread of programming languages, ones we use to 
this day.  Certainly worth thinking about, as we move forward 
with building D.

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