Dub integrated into the compiler?

Tofu Ninja via Digitalmars-d digitalmars-d at puremagic.com
Sun Oct 26 20:48:17 PDT 2014

On Monday, 27 October 2014 at 03:24:47 UTC, Ola Fosheim Grøstad 
> That's ok for a personal user account, but not for a work 
> account IMO.
> Then again, I prefer to fetch directly from repos manually and 
> only use dub-like features for languages that run in a VM.

What I am saying is that unless you read every line of all the 
libraries that you want to use and de-compile every precompiled 
library and read the asm, you are taking a risk, any of that code 
could do malicious things. You draw a line.

> Another point is that if you make fetching libraries too easy 
> it means bloat starts creeping in. OK for a scripting language, 
> but for a system level language…? You risk ending up with 
> Tango-bloat, where you cannot include anything without pulling 
> inn all kinds of dependencies.

The whole point of the thing is to get the benefits of a large 
library without having a bloated standard lib. Obviously none of 
phobos would depend on anything in dub. But users need things out 
side of phobos, why would we want to make getting that harder?

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