Extracting string parameter from template instance received via alias parameter

MrSmith via Digitalmars-d digitalmars-d at puremagic.com
Fri Sep 12 12:44:27 PDT 2014

Given the following program:

import std.stdio;

template first(string s)
	string first(string par)
		if (par == s)
			return "true";
			return "false";

template second(alias firstInstance)
	string second(string par)
		// this line doesn't work
		static if (is(firstInstance : F!(str), alias F, string str))
			writeln("matched ", str);
		enum s = "XXX"; // get s from firstInstance
		// without parsing strings and using mixins
		// something like second(alias C : F!(str), alias F, string str)
		import std.string : icmp;
		if (icmp(par, s) == 0)
			return "true";
			return "false";

void main()
	writeln(second!( first!"str" )("StR")); // should match string 
from first, but case insensetive


How do I extract s parameter of first passed to second via alias 
parameter. It seems like it is not possible. Or is it?

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