[Semi OT] Language for Game Development talk

H. S. Teoh via Digitalmars-d digitalmars-d at puremagic.com
Fri Sep 26 15:19:06 PDT 2014

On Fri, Sep 26, 2014 at 09:32:54PM +0000, via Digitalmars-d wrote:
> I remember it was very difficult to find a good free C++
> implementation though. Cfront was kind of annoying (and did not
> support exceptions either).  In the free software movement C/Unix was
> the real deal and my impression was that C++ was not viewed as "cool",
> so it took a while for g++ to get the quality up to acceptable
> standards.
> My uni had DEC/SGI with C++, but at home where I preferred to do that
> type of programming I was stuck with C until g++ had improved by the
> mid 90s.  And… of course… the uni did not teach C++ since it has a
> horrible design. I was only aware of one lecturer that had a C++
> interest. I think they only had C++ available by accident (being part
> of a standard suite).

Whoa, this brings back the memories! I remember taking a course in
college where the prof was teaching us this idiom, which by today's
standards is rather laughable (and probably no longer compiles -- this
dates back to before the first C++ standardization in 1998):

	class MyClass {
		MyClass &Myclass(Myclass &);

	// Gotta love the audacious violation of DRY here:
	MyClass &MyClass::MyClass(MyClass &mc)
		return *this;

This was on g++ in the early to mid 90's, just around the time C++
templates first became widely available. I still remember trying both
c++ (the compiler, not the language) and g++, and perhaps one or two
other compilers installed on the lab compute servers, and finding that
one compiler would support new feature X but not new feature Y, but the
other compiler that supported feature Y had a buggy implementation of
feature X. So it was quite frustrating that many of the cool new
features couldn't be used together 'cos of buggy compiler
implementations. Not to mention subtle differences in dialect that
sometimes makes your projects uncompilable with another compiler. Fun


People tell me I'm stubborn, but I refuse to accept it!

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