Mid-term vision review

deadalnix via Digitalmars-d digitalmars-d at puremagic.com
Mon Apr 6 11:17:29 PDT 2015

On Monday, 6 April 2015 at 12:45:48 UTC, Martin Nowak wrote:
> On 04/06/2015 03:39 AM, Dennis Ritchie wrote:
>> Thanks. I hope that in the near future will be a powerful D 
>> macrosystem.
> Don't expect too much enthusiasm about adding macros.
> - D already has very good metaprogramming capabilities and most 
> stuff
> macros can do, can already be achieved using string mixins
> - Macros in Scala turned out very complex (not sure about 
> std.meta).
> - DSLs can fracture the community
> (http://winestockwebdesign.com/Essays/Lisp_Curse.html)
> Might be a approach to write a good, fast, and CTFEable parsing 
> library for.

On the other hand, many features in the language could be 
implementation as macro in object.d, reducing language complexity.

Mixin has some severe limitation when you want to pass symbols 
that are not accessible down the road (the type mechanism in SDC 
is a very good example of how absurdly complex things can get 
just because you need to make some symbols accessible down the 

I'm not eager to see them in, as I'd favor finishing what is 
already started.

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