Complexity nomenclature

Andrei Alexandrescu via Digitalmars-d digitalmars-d at
Thu Dec 3 17:27:42 PST 2015

Consider the collections universe. So we have an imperative primitive like:

c.insertAfter(r, x)

where c is a collection, r is a range previously extracted from c, and x 
is a value convertible to collection's element type. The expression 
imperatively inserts x in the collection right after r.

Now this primitive may have three complexities:

* linear in the length of r (e.g. c is a singly-linked list)

* linear in the number of elements after r in the collection (e.g. c is 
an array)

* constant (c is a doubly-linked list)

These complexities must be reflected in the name of the primitives. Or 
perhaps it's okay to conflate a couple of them. I know names are 
something we're awfully good at discussing :o). Destroy!


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