How To Call D Code from Objective C?

Rikki Cattermole via Digitalmars-d digitalmars-d at
Thu Dec 10 22:05:04 PST 2015

On 11/12/15 7:01 PM, Mike McKee wrote:
> Is there a way to call D code from Objective C on OSX?
> Here's something cool I was thinking about doing:
> * I've learned how to make Cocoa UI Objective C apps on OSX.
> * I've learned how to load the native OSX webkit widget in a Cocoa app.
> It provides a rich user interface using ordinary HTML, CSS, and
> Javascript/jQuery. It's much better than anything Qt has with its
> widgets or QML. It's much better than anything Apple allows with its
> other Aqua Cocoa widgets. I can make any kind of widget you can think
> of, colored and styled anyway I want, using webkit.
> * I've learned how to enable a bridge between Javascript to Objective C.
> This lets me make an Objective C function that Javascript can call. So,
> if I need my webkit app to do something powerful like show a file
> chooser dialog, I can call an object called "objc" and so something like:
> var sFilePath = objc.chooseFile();
> * Now all I want to do is to bridge Objective C to D. That way, my
> webkit pages can call Objective C, which can then call D. I can put much
> of the heavy lifting work in D for my app. If I need to call an Apple
> Foundation Class library, I can have D call back to Objective C just for
> that special thing.

D.learn is more appropriate but here in the "easy" answer (ignoring 

Create a c wrapper.


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