What is the state of D for game development?

BLM768 via Digitalmars-d digitalmars-d at puremagic.com
Thu Dec 17 22:54:43 PST 2015

On Friday, 18 December 2015 at 00:03:06 UTC, extrawurst wrote:
> What PR is that ? Link ?
> --Stephan


It adds some __traits that would make it easier for me to 
introspect my binding modules and generate glue code. Right now, 
I'm using several stages of build tools which loop over the 
actual source files to generate the necessary code, which has 
gotten quite ugly. With the right __traits, it's possible to cut 
out some steps. Once I've refactored everything, it might 
actually be a viable method to bind all sorts of C++ libraries.

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