std.experimental Timeline

Jack Stouffer via Digitalmars-d digitalmars-d at
Thu Dec 31 09:45:46 PST 2015

Currently, we have two modules in std.experimental with a third 
on the way and potentially a single function as well:

Yet it's a bit concerning that there's no plan on when any of 
these will be moved into the main namespace.

std.logger has been in std.experimental for eight releases and 
eight months. Robert Schadek believes it's blocked by the non 
existant RCString:

Is that actually the case? How long can we wait for something 
that might not happen and would take months of work (if that was 
one person's sole focus, longer if they had other things to do)?

Also, knowing when std.allocator will be moved is important, 
because certain functions should integrate std.allocator as soon 
as it's available and have them usable in the same release. 
People who would contribute those changes need to know when that 
is going to happen in order to get the necessary work done before 

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