H1 2015 Priorities and Bare-Metal Programming

Walter Bright via Digitalmars-d digitalmars-d at puremagic.com
Mon Feb 2 02:49:48 PST 2015

On 2/2/2015 1:24 AM, Johannes Pfau wrote:
> Usually those people just don't use
> volatile as long as their code works. Once it breaks they add volatile
> everywhere till it works again.

Having a volatile type is not going to make things better for such people. In 
fact, it may make things worse. It's harder to muck up volatileLoad() and 

>> The compiler intrinsics participate in all optimizations.
> Not sure what that's supposed to mean. The backend can generate
> more efficient code if it knows that an address is a literal value. If
> you add wrappers (void f(void* p) {volatileLoad(p)}) the information
> that p is a constant is a literal is lost and needs to be recovered
> by the backend, which is only done with enabled backend optimizations.

Please try it before deciding it does not work.

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