Const-correctness and uniqueness. Again.

Dicebot via Digitalmars-d digitalmars-d at
Mon Feb 9 02:56:30 PST 2015

Doing a lot of porting from D1 to D2 recently I have realized 
that we still don't have any idiomatic way to express function 
result types that can be both mutable and immutable.

Consider this trivial snippet:

import std.array : join;

void main()
	auto s = join([ "aaa", "bbb", "ccc" ]);
	pragma(msg, typeof(s));

It outputs "string" which stands for immutable buffer. However, 
actual allocated buffer is not yet truly immutable - it has just 
been allocated to hold the result of join algorithm and may be 
interpreted both as mutable and immutable, depending on caller 

In this specific case if caller wanted to get a mutable buffer 
instead, it would need to do cast from immutable which is very 
dangerous - especially considering implementation of `join` may 
change. And doing .dup on buffer that has just been allocated is 
quite a waste.

Right now I am leaning towards personal convention to always 
return mutable or const buffers and do assumeUnique at caller 
side where necessary. But this does, of course, suck.

What is current conventional wisdom on topic? Can we probably 
start using std.typecons.Unique for such functions?

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