Mac Apps That Use Garbage Collection Must Move to ARC

weaselcat via Digitalmars-d digitalmars-d at
Wed Feb 25 17:19:49 PST 2015

On Thursday, 26 February 2015 at 00:54:57 UTC, Walter Bright 
>> COM is also an excellent candidate for consideration. If COM 
>> works
>> well, then I imagine anything should work.
>> Microsoft's latest C++ presents a model for this that I'm 
>> generally
>> happy with; distinct RC pointer type. We could do better by 
>> having
>> implicit cast to scope(T*) (aka, borrowing) which C++ can't 
>> express;
>> scope(T*) would be to T^ and T* like const(T*) is to T* and
>> immutable(T*).
> Microsoft's Managed C++ had two pointer types, and it went over 
> like a lead zeppelin.

Rust currently has four or five pointer types(depending on how 
you define pointer) and it seems to be quite popular.

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