D and Nim

via Digitalmars-d digitalmars-d at puremagic.com
Mon Jan 5 05:13:42 PST 2015

On Monday, 5 January 2015 at 10:21:12 UTC, Paulo  Pinto wrote:
> On Monday, 5 January 2015 at 09:51:22 UTC, Suliman wrote:
>> What is kill future of Nim?
>> D is successor of C++, but Nim? Successor of Python?
> A C++ successor is any language that earns its place in a OS 
> vendors SDK as the OS official supported language for all OS 
> layers.
> Which one it will be is still open game.

But C++ gained traction before any OS officially supported it 
(sans BeOS)?

Without an ABI, I think C++ will be it's own successor. And I 
think key C++ people know this and will avoid creating an ABI...

Besides that I don't think there will be a single replacement. It 
will more likely be several languages aiming at different domains 
where you have different hardware requirements (hpc, embedded, 
servers, interactive apps...)

D needs to pick one area, and do it well there.

* If D is aiming for conserving memory and realtime apps, then it 
needs better memory model/reference type system,

* if D is aiming for convenient server programmer (that can 
afford wasting memory), then it need to tune the language for 
better garbage collection.

With no tuning... other languages will surpass it. Be it Rust, 
Chapel, Go, Nim or one of the many budding language projects that 
LLVM has inspired...

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