dlang.org redesign -- the state of documentation and learning resources [part 2]

David Gileadi via Digitalmars-d digitalmars-d at puremagic.com
Mon Jan 26 08:48:34 PST 2015

On 1/25/15 4:42 AM, Andrej Mitrovic via Digitalmars-d wrote:
> Here's another one:
> The search box allows selecting between:
> - Entire D Site
> - Library reference
> - Newsgroup archives
> But where's the Language spec option?

It's missing due to how dlang.org is set up, and the limitations of 
Google's site search feature. If you click on a link in the language 
spec, like on Types, you'll notice that its URL has the page directly 
under dlang.org, e.g. http://dlang.org/type.html.

In contrast, the standard library is in a subfolder (e.g. 
http://dlang.org/phobos/std_algorithm.html) and the newsgroup archives 
are in another subfolder. Being in a subfolder allows us to pass a 
prefix parameter to Google's site search that will limit its results to 
URLS with that prefix. Since the language reference isn't in a subfolder 
there's no prefix for the language reference that doesn't also include 
everything else in the site, and hence there's no option for Language Spec.

I don't know how hard it would be to put all the language spec pages 
into their own subfolder, but doing so would allow us to add the 
Language Spec option to the dropdown.

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