Daily downloads in decline

Walter Bright via Digitalmars-d digitalmars-d at puremagic.com
Mon Jun 1 11:24:15 PDT 2015

On 6/1/2015 11:11 AM, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
> 3. We've just had a good conference with solid content, but if our collective
> actions are to be interpreted, we did our best to be as stealth as possible.
> Please consider writing blogs, articles, tweets, posts, related to all that
> stuff. Speakers in particular should consider converting their good work into
> articles. Programmer news sites are full of Rust-related stuff; we must respond
> in kind with great D content.

I want to chime in with the fact that our most effective method of getting the 
word out is to write articles. Far more people will read articles (or at least 
scan them) than watch videos.

For those writing D tools - sitting and waiting for someone else to write 
articles about how cool they are IS NOT GOING TO WORK. You simply must write 
articles about them, or your hard work creating the tool will be in vain. 
Posting a link to a github repository is NOT sufficient. You have to give people 
a reason to look at the tool.

I know so many people who wrote cool tools and then gave up in bitterness and 
frustration because the tools never gained traction. There's a 100% correlation 
between that and failing to write any articles or attempt any promotion 
whatsoever. "Build It And They Will Come" is a stupid hollywood myth. Posting "I 
wrote a tool, here's a github link to the source code" is doomed to oblivion.

I'll reiterate what Andrei said - speakers, you already have the material. Write 
a companion article! A bonus will be that it will improve your professional 
reputation, which is worth $$$.

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