Asked on Reddit: Which of Rust, D, Go, Nim, and Crystal is the strongest and why?

Jonathan M Davis via Digitalmars-d digitalmars-d at
Tue Jun 9 21:42:00 PDT 2015

On Wednesday, 10 June 2015 at 01:21:05 UTC, weaselcat wrote:
> Dozens of languages pop up and die before anyone notices them, 
> D has been around for what, 15 years? It's obvious that it's 
> not going away anytime soon.

Talking about how old D is is a bit of a funny thing. IIRC, 
Walter started it in 1999, but it was a while before he released 
it, and it didn't hit 1.0 until 2007, and at that point we got 
D2, which wasn't even remotely stable until at least 2010. And 
while D2 builds on D1, it's a very different beast.

It really gets to the point that talking about D's age is almost 
meaningless. You really need to talk in more detail in order to 
get any useful information out of the number.

- Jonathan M Davis

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