Adding pclmulqdq assembly instruction to dlang asm.

nhk8 via Digitalmars-d digitalmars-d at
Sat Jun 13 14:40:58 PDT 2015

On Saturday, 13 June 2015 at 19:48:07 UTC, \u2603 wrote:
> pclmulqdq is an assembly instruction on Intel CPUs that has been
> introduced together with the AES instructions. pclmulqdq 
> provides
> multiplication on binary fields and is very usefull for
> implementing fast and timing attack resistant cryptographic
> algorithms (e.g. GCM). The D asm supports all AES instructions
> but not pclmulqdq. How can I add support for this instruction?
> Could I write a patch myself? Compiler development is unknown
> land to me and I'd be very glad to get some help!

waiting for its support as inline asm opcode you can still use 
the instruction by writing it directly as bytecode:

  db 0x66;
  db 0x0f;
  db 0x3a;
  db 0x44;

expect that the regs arguments might be a somehow tricky to 
write...but still faisable.

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