D could catch this wave: web assembly

via Digitalmars-d digitalmars-d at puremagic.com
Fri Jun 19 08:52:07 PDT 2015

On Friday, 19 June 2015 at 15:13:11 UTC, Joakim wrote:
> asm is still supported on iOS, it's merely not the default 
> option in Xcode anymore.

I read somewhere that it might be phased out in 1-2 years and is 
forbidden on iWatch.

> across sites.  That does nothing to integrate the old 
> page/hyperlink model of the web with the new dynamic HTML5 
> model, but as Nick said, simply piles more of the dynamic stuff 
> on top.

Actually, it does, as the logic is moved more into elements. Like 
Angular and Polymer.

> That actually makes some sense for a document format, which is 
> what HTML originally was.  It makes no sense for a vector 
> graphics format like SVG, where efficiency is key.

I'd think the opposite, that binary format makes sense for PDF 
since it is an enduser format, but it is easier to debug when 
text so it is probably text for the same reasons as SVG.

For SVG I want flexibility and transparency. It would be 
counterproductive if it was not in XML. Editing would be 
horrible. And yes, I edit SVG by hand, PDF too. I don't think 
I've ever used SVG or built PDF generators without manually 
editing either format as raw text.

> Because writing it once in HTML/CSS/JS takes you much longer 
> than writing it in Java, while being less responsive, then you

Dunno about less responsive. Java apps often feel more sluggish 
than well written web apps. Java is probably better for larger 
programs, but most programs aren't large. Many programs are just 
simple interfaces to online databases.

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