D needs a programming blog and some house keeping

David DeWitt via Digitalmars-d digitalmars-d at puremagic.com
Fri Jun 26 14:59:18 PDT 2015

Im new to D too and while blogs are great, I don't care "that" 
much for them or twitter.  I think the most important step for D 
is to get more "official" tools and packages.  If you want to get 
ppl interested in D beyond a core group you need solid web 
frameworks and official clients/libraries for some of the major 
tools used.  I look forward to working on some of these things 
but most people just want them built and thats what the language 
needs.  If you use Python or Java then you know you have the 
tools for databases, Kafka, Redis, Elasticsearch, web frameworks, 
etc..  Thats where D needs to be.

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