Parallel Merge Sort

bearophile via Digitalmars-d digitalmars-d at
Tue Mar 3 16:00:51 PST 2015

Josh wrote:

> How can I make my parallel code more efficient. Currently, I am 
> getting destroyed by the serial merge sort.

That serial merge sort I've written is little more than a toy. I 
suggest you to compare your parallel sort with a serial sort that 
allocates better. Perhaps later I'll add it.

Here I have done a quick translation of some C code from 
Wikipedia, this is wasteful for memory (not tested much!):

import std.stdio, std.algorithm;

/// A has the items to sort, array B is a work array.
void mergeSort(T)(T[] A) pure nothrow @safe
out {
} body {
     static void bottomUpMerge(T)(in T[] A, in size_t iLeft, in 
size_t iRight, in size_t iEnd, T[] B)
     pure nothrow @safe @nogc {
         size_t i0 = iLeft;
         size_t i1 = iRight;

         // While there are elements in the left or right runs.
         for (size_t j = iLeft; j < iEnd; j++) {
             // If left run head exists and is <= existing right 
run head.
             if (i0 < iRight && (i1 >= iEnd || A[i0] <= A[i1])) {
                 B[j] = A[i0];
             } else {
                 B[j] = A[i1];

     immutable n = A.length;
     auto B = new T[n];

     // Each 1-element run in A is already "sorted".
     // Make successively longer sorted runs of length 2, 4, 8, 
16... until whole array is sorted.
     for (size_t width = 1; width < n; width = 2 * width) {
         // Array A is full of runs of length width.
         for (size_t i = 0; i < n; i = i + 2 * width) {
             // Merge two runs: A[i:i+width-1] and 
A[i+width:i+2*width-1] to B[]
             // or copy A[i:n-1] to B[] ( if(i+width >= n) ).
             bottomUpMerge(A, i, min(i + width, n), min(i + 2 * 
width, n), B);

         // Now work array B is full of runs of length 2*width.
         swap(A, B);

void main() {
     auto a = [3,1,2,5,4,8,6,7,2,9,1,4,3];


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