Experience: Developing Cloud Foundry applications with D

Rikki Cattermole via Digitalmars-d digitalmars-d at puremagic.com
Sun Oct 4 16:34:54 PDT 2015

On 05/10/15 8:13 AM, Andre wrote:
> I want to share my experiences with D and the platform as a service
> solution Cloud Foundry. Cloud Foundry supports any development language
> as long it is runnable on Linux 64 bit and the application has a http
> Server listening on a port which Cloud Foundry provides you using system
> environment variable PORT.
> I am used to develop on Windows. Using VirtuaBox I created a Linux
> virtual machine. I defined a shared directory between my windows host
> system and the Linux virtual machine. In Addition I use Putty as SSH
> client. In the Putty terminal I execute dub and after that the Cloud
> Foundry console application to push the binary to the cloud.
> I tried different http servers available for D. At the end I decided to
> build my own.
> vibe-d: The linking time of a vibe-d application on a Linux system is
> quite high, I think this is due to the dependencies like pthreads and so
> on. Also the binary size is also quite high. As far as I remember around
> 20 mb for a test application. The size matters as you have to upload the
> application again and again. Cloud Foundry provides some shared objects
> libraries. In case you have special requirements like pthreads you must
> create a build pack. With a build pack you can download external
> dependencies and install them while pushing the binary to the cloud.
> There already exists build packs for vibe-d but they are outdated. They
> run a long time and then stops.
>  From windows I know vibe-d is a great library but on Linux out of the
> box it doesn't make fun due to the usage of external dependencies.
> I also had a look at the arsdnet http server. But I didn't achieved to
> get my scenario running. In addition to my http server component I have
> a thread which executes 10 some database calls and some http requests.
> If I am not completely wrong the scenario of starting a thread in
> addition to the main server thread is not supported unless I duplicate a
> big amount of coding from the template  "main" of the arsdnet http
> server component.
> In the end I build my own very simple http server component. By using
> the pure phobos library compiling and linking is super fast and the size
> of the full application is around 8 mb. Compile, link and pushing to the
> cloud is possible in less than a minute.
> In sum, it is just fun to develop cloud applications with D!

Vibe.d has a provider called libasync. Libasync is fully implemented in 
D. You probably should have tried that at least.
Although I still would recommend trying it ;) It's a lot better then 
what we have in Phobos.

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