Better lambdas!!!!!!!!!!

Prudence via Digitalmars-d digitalmars-d at
Thu Sep 10 10:55:05 PDT 2015

How bout this:

void myfunc(double delegate(int i, int z, float f)) {....}

myfunc((int i, int z, float f) { return i*z*f; } }


myfunc({ return i*z*f; })   // Names of parameters are inferred 
from signature.

by specifying the parameter names in the signature, we don't have 
to specify them in the lamba creation. This doesn't replace the 
original way, just adds the ability to infer the names if they 
are not specified.

Of course, this hides the names outside the lambda, but a warning 
could be issued(no different than if one does it explicitly.

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