Moving back to .NET

default0 via Digitalmars-d digitalmars-d at
Mon Sep 21 06:03:19 PDT 2015

On Monday, 21 September 2015 at 00:01:01 UTC, Temtaime wrote:
> I also hate errors when a lambda contains some errors.
> [ 1 ].countUntil!(a => a == undeclared_something);
> Error: template std.algorithm.searching.countUntil cannot 
> deduce function from argument types !((a) => a == 
> undefined)(int[])

I agree, the error should contain better reasoning as to why the 
function cannot be deduced. Since Phobos uses templates pretty 
heavily, and sometimes has a decent set of pre-conditions, 
tracking down which condition exactly is failing is hard. 
Printing the template condition and the expression in it that 
caused the instantiation to fail would be tremendously helpful!

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